
Caroline Park and Asha Tamirisa's debut, SOTO, takes its material and title from their debut performance together at Jed Speare's Studio Soto here in Boston. Seamlessly built upon a combination of generative patches, pre-recorded sound, and live-sampling, SOTO moves slowly as repeating motifs and percussive detail ebb effortlessly in and out of swells of ambient drone-sound. This cassette presents a two-part studio analogue of their performance, condensed and edited with care from the original board recording.

One-time edition of 100 copies duplicated on chrome tape in clear cassette shells imprinted by National Audio Company. The four-panel jcard features imagery by the artists and a still from a video taken during the performance and has been printed via a combination of offset printing, hand-stamping, and embossing on ivory, linen-finish paper.

Private Chronology is a small experimental music label run by Reuben Son. The label is currently in hiberation.

For international orders and other inquiries, email private-chronology a.t. gmail.com

Reuben Son, Asleep at the Drawing Board
Patrick Emm, Theta States
Park & Tamirisa, SOTO
Reuben Son, Still Sleeping
Out of Print
Reuben Son, Glowing Departure
Reuben Son, Sensual Square
Xela, My Memories of Gallifrey
Caroline Park, Grain
The North Sea, Last Great November
M Mucci, The Secret is Knowing
Distributed Items

Reuben Son, Days Gone By

Synthesizer Modules