Ceramic Meandering
Meandering Ceramics represent my experimentation with 3D-printing porcelain, using this technology to frame an inquiry into site-specificity and the expression of the line via the Greek meander pattern.

Over the course of a two-week workshop at The Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, I designed, fabricated, and activated various ceramics sculptures. In this work, I focused on site-specificity and expression of the line, and wrote a brief essay about my process.

As the centerpiece piece in my final show, I assembled a mixed-media sculpture that included wood boards, a rock, a piece of seaweed, a barnacle shell, an unfired 3D-printed sculpture, and a ceramic imprint, produced by grating porcelain dust over another printed sculpture used as a stencil. The resulting sculpture plays with the idea of a print (in its different contexts) and gestures at notions of land art (Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty, porcelain as earthen material), which came full circle when I brought the brittle, un-fired ceramic sculpture (what we call greenware) to dissolve into the ocean the hour before finally departing from campus.