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Wrapping up

Week 6 at Recurse Center

It’s been such a fast six weeks at Recurse, and all the more so for getting so absorbed in getting my MIDI Archive project into shape. It’s been a journey … which I think I’ll need some time to sit with before writing out a proper reflection of my wonderful and expansive time here.

For now, I’m still figuring out a path to an MVP version of this project, which I’m hoping to chip away at the next few weeks as I adjust to a new post-RC equilibrium. I’m also struggling with uncertainty and doubt about the technical and cultural value of this project, and whether it makes sense to put much more effort into an MVP. At worst, it feels unclear to me whether I’m just re-enacting the algorithmic instrumentalization of music (a lá Spotify) in a more amateur way, on a more campy substrate.

But for the moment, I’ll just limit my scope to documenting and preserving the groundwork I’ve laid out thus far. And while still in very skeletal form, the project has at least been shipped to prod!


At the core of this project, I’ve been driven by two broad questions:

In the six weeks of my residency at Recurse, I feel like I’m still just scratching the surface of these questions. But as I’ve heard writers say, you write a story in order to figure out how it ends.

In my approach to these two questions, I’ve been building a neural net model alongside an archive, in which the model informs my curation of the archive, and the curation of the archive influences how the model behaves. In more straightforward terms, what I’ve been doing is the following:

As for what’s next for this project … the main thing that feels lacking at the moment is a sense for what visitors, who may or may not be familiar with music on the early web, should expect to find here. I’m not particularly interested in just exploring the nostalgic valence of this work, but want to dig deeper into why I may have been drawn to this project in the first place …

But for now, feel free to take a look at the two repositories I’ve spun up for this project, but be warned that documentation and cleanup is still in a messy state

See also